Finances - Budgets Overview

Access a detailed overview of manager budgets, project budgets, and budget requests in your TalentDesk account.

As a Higher Manager (Organization Owner or Financial Controller) you can quickly see an overview of budgets in your TalentDesk account by locating the Budgets subsection under Finances in your sidebar menu.



Budget Managers

This tab identifies how much budget each manager has been assigned and how they have utilized their assigned budget for their projects. Here you can also see what the current balance for any manager is should you need to know when to allocate or deallocate funds from their account. 



Project Budgets

This tab shows you in real time the current balance and allocated budgets for every project in your organization. This helps keep your finger on the pulse of project budgets and spend across your company on the platform.



Budget Requests

Here you can track the history of budget requests across your account for greater transparency. 



Learn More

How to Allocate Budget to Managers

How to Add Budgets to Projects

Requesting Budget

Leftover Budget in a Completed Project