
3000 of the top curated, trusted freelancers


Our freelancers are invited and picked by us so they’re some of the very best talent from our sister company PeoplePerHour.

We vet and select the best-rated freelancers to make sure we bring you a curated list of trustworthy and reliable talent.

Head to the TalentMarket tab where you can search specifically what you’re looking for, browse popular categories, or look through all of our curated freelancers at no extra cost.


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Pick your favorites & save for later


Once you have browsed your directory by rate, specialties, location and more, you can favorite the freelancers you’re interested in and keep a list of the talent you’d like to contact.

Simply click the heart shape on their profile to favorite them. You can then go to the “favorites” tab where their profile will be saved for you to look at whenever you need to.


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Get to know your talent with TalentMarket Messaging


You can message freelancers before deciding who to invite to join your organization. Share ideas and project plans by clicking on the freelancer’s profile where you will see the “Message Now” button. Start your conversation from there.

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Invite new providers


When you have found the freelancer (or freelancers!) you would like to work with, you just need to click on the “Invite as Provider” button on the top right of their profile, and follow your usual onboarding process. Inviting freelancers to your projects is free and simple.


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