Teams Section

Here we cover the teams section in detail

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The teams section comprises various sections such as providers, managers, groups, contacts, and invitees. You can access by going to the Dashboard side menu and selecting "Teams".


Here you can find a list of providers that can be sorted, searched and filtered. Clicking on their name or card will direct you to a page where more details about that provider can be seen such as qualifications, experience, skills and more. This page also allows the inviting of providers to the platform by clicking the "Invite Provider" button in the top right.


This operates in the same way as the provider section.



This section allows for the creation of groups of which both managers and providers can be a part of. Groups can be created or existing groups can be edited on this page.



If you are wishing to add a contact instead of inviting them as a provider then you can do so on this page.



This page contains a list of all the providers invited to TalentDesk. Providers will have various statuses according to their stage of the process. Invite statuses are as follows:

- Pending: when an invite has been sent out but not yet accepted by the provider

- Accepted: when the provider accepts the invite to the platform

- Rejected: the provider rejected the invitation

- Cancelled: the manager sending out the invite has cancelled the invite