Onboard and invite freelancers to tasks with Legal Documents

We've elevated our legal documents feature and rolled it out for all organizations to use at onboarding in addition to task level.

Legal documents can be created and managed by all managers in the sidebar menu.

Step 1. Navigate to Legal > Documents

Step 2. Click "Create Document" to get to the below form. Depending on the requirements managers can either upload or create legal documents using the editor functionality.

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Step 3. Hit publish once you've completed your document.

Important note: Once sent out your documents are no longer editable.

Step 4. Start inviting your contractors to confirm your legal documents either at onboarding stage or at task level.

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Once invited, your contractors (Providers) can log in and confirm the legal document.

How do I track my legal docs?

You can manage all your legal documents in one place:

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