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Stefani Thrasyvoulou
Stefani Thrasyvoulou has made her mark in the freelancer industry with four transformative years with TalentDesk, playing a pivotal role in the company’s 2x growth.

Future of Work Survey 2020 | Is there Life on Mars?

260+ business leaders have responded to our Future of Work Survey 2020, providing us with valuable insights into future workforce trends and in-demand systems for remote work. Find out what these are as we prepare for a tumultuous shift in the world of work, and its domino effect on life as we know it.

(r)Evolution of the workspace

So first came the Herman Miller designed cubicle office, followed by its younger and much cooler co-working sibling, and then came the remote working revolution, accelerated by a worldwide pandemic. Could the next step be an entirely digitised set-up where people can work from anywhere they choose?

Case Study: How atrain GmbH built a knowledge base of their people with

We chat with our client, Mauricio Franco, the External Partner Manager at HR consultancy atrain GmbH. In this case study, Mauricio details how using has transformed the way atrain GmbH remotely manage and align their distributed teams. Read on to find out more!

Our CTO’s insights into Remote Team Management

Find out what it’s like to manage a remote team of freelancers & employees based out of Ukraine, Athens, the Greek Islands & Cambridge, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world tries to adapt to its biggest structural shift in decades, we chat to our very own CTO, Sotiris, for some tips & insights, as remote working has always been the norm for him & his team.

Guidelines for Creating Opportunities During a Global Crisis

Our mission as a team, now more than ever, is to enable businesses to rethink how they work, transforming their workforce to remote, distributed and flexible, and more efficient. But in order to work better as a team, we realised that we need to work on our positivity as individuals too. Here are five tips to help you create opportunities through COVID-19.

Why Human Capital is the Responsibility of Every Department

From startups to large companies, freelancers are helping to kickstart projects, fill in skills gaps and assist in company growth. But the question is: who within the organisation should have responsibility for hiring them?

Why HR Needs to Embrace a New System for Freelancers

HR departments need to accept that freelancers work differently and likewise, that the systems required to manage the engagement process are also different. This need for acceptance is becoming more pressing considering that more organisations are using outsourced staff.

How Automation and AI will Change the Way Businesses Work with Talent

AI and automation technology are fast becoming embedded in companies. Read about how forward-thinking businesses will need to adapt to these changes.

The Rise of the Agile Business and the Role of Freelancers

Increasing global competition both for market share and the best talent means businesses have to be more responsive and nimble than ever before.