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How To Write a Clear & Effective Project Brief

How To Write A Clear & Effective Project Brief

A strong project brief helps you clarify your expectations right at the beginning and makes your freelancers’ jobs easier.

Meet the new TalentDesk - we've rebranded!

What a year it's been. Despite the many challenges that we've faced during 2020, TalentDesk has continued to grow at a fantastic rate. That's why we've felt it's time for our freshen our brand with a new logo for the new year.

5 ways to enable success working as a virtual company

In this blog, we look into what exactly a virtual company is, as well as why someone would set up a virtual company, and 5 ways to enable success operating this way. To find out more, check out the full blog.

9 Daily Habits & Phrases We Can 'Thank' 2020 For

COVID-19 has definitely turned our year upside down. Whilst most of us are tired of hearing about it, in this post we take a humorous look at some of the key phrases and daily habits that 2020 has bequeathed to us.

(r)Evolution of the workspace

So first came the Herman Miller designed cubicle office, followed by its younger and much cooler co-working sibling, and then came the remote working revolution, accelerated by a worldwide pandemic. Could the next step be an entirely digitised set-up where people can work from anywhere they choose?

5 Ways Freelancers Can Help You Achieve Your Business Goals

Have you considered using freelancers or contractors? Read this article to find out how they can play help you achieve your short and long-term objectives.

Guidelines for Creating Opportunities During a Global Crisis

Our mission as a team, now more than ever, is to enable businesses to rethink how they work, transforming their workforce to remote, distributed and flexible, and more efficient. But in order to work better as a team, we realised that we need to work on our positivity as individuals too. Here are five tips to help you create opportunities through COVID-19.

The Importance of Staying Positive During the COVID-19 Crisis

Thoughts from our Founder and CEO Xenios Thrasyvoulou, on the importance of staying positive during the COVID-19 crisis.

Supporting businesses through COVID-19

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, will be waiving all software licensing fees up until 1st July, 2020. The announcement comes as interest in the software increases in response to companies rushing to embrace remote working as all but key-workers are asked to work from home.